09 Dec Reminder: Call for Sub-theme Workshops, Deadline Postponed to December 12, 2014
Important: The Deadline for Proposals has been postponed to December 12, 2014
Call for Sub-theme Workshops, 23nd EASM Conference, Dublin 2015
EASM invites, on a regular basis, sport management scholars to organise workshops on various sub-themes of sport management at the 23nd EASM Conference, that is to be held in Dublin, Ireland, 2015 (http://easm2015.com). The conference theme in 2015 will be “Sport Management in the Digital Age”. In that respect, EASM encourages particularly, but not solely, workshops proposals that connect to that theme.
The Workshops aim to encourage a profound discussion and close cooperation between participants on a particular subtheme (i.e. a specific focus within a more general topic). If successful, workshops can channel their work into special issues in ESMQ or other journals or edited books. Members interested in organising a workshop should submit the following information by email to both the Chair of the Scientific Committee (bo.carlsson@mah.se ) and the Vice-chair Veerle De Bosscher (vdebossc@vub.ac.be ) quoting Workshop Proposal in the subject line:
- The sub-theme and title of the Workshop.
- A short description of the proposed Workshop (maximum 500 words), to include four key words that capture its essence. Remember that the title and description should be used to arouse interest in the workshop when announced in the Call for Abstracts. Please refer to the history of the Workshop if it has already been staged in previous EASM conferences
- The argument and expected demand for papers to the Workshop
- The expected format of the Workshop (such as small symposium, panels, presentation of small or full papers, numbers of papers expected etc.)
- The names, institutions, email addresses, phone numbers and research fields of all the conveners (should be minimum 2 – maximum 4 conveners, representing more than one country)
- The name of the lead convener. This person will be responsible for the review and final acceptance of the papers in the Workshop, the coordination of conveners, and for communication with the scientific committee of the Conference as well as with colleagues at EASM involved in organizing the Conference
- A short description of the lead convener’s previous experiences of organizing conference Workshops or other relevant information on the lead convener’s organization capabilities
- A brief biography of each convener, and in the case of scientific workshops the convener’s most relevant international publications should be cited.
The deadline for submission of a Workshop proposal is December 12, 2014.
The workshops can have different forms within the limits of the conference program and depending on the ideas of the conveners which are responsible for putting together the workshop program, but as a general rule the Conveners’ guidelines found below should be adhered to.
Guidelines for EASM Sub-theme Workshop conveners
- Before applying to set up a workshop, conveners should take care that the sub-theme will capture abstracts of a subset of broader topics rather than inviting abstracts that will more naturally fall within a broader topical session (such as sport policy, sport marketing, sport leadership, sport governance etc.)
- To keep focus on the suggested sub-theme conveners are advised to plan for a rather small number of presentations and sessions. Unless the demand is very high the format should not extend 2-3 sessions or 6-10 papers/presentations.
- The conveners should prepare an introduction to the workshop, stating the current state of research in the field and the ambitions of the workshop.
- At the end the conveners should spend time to rounding up the workshop, summarizing its contribution to the field and if possible, initiate publishing the best papers
- The conveners should prepare a brief written report of the contribution of the workshop to be published on the EASM website
- The conveners are encouraged to keep a contact list of the delegates attending their workshop