EASM Mentorship programme

EASM Mentorship Programme

We are happy to present to you an exciting EASM project that has been in the pipeline for quite a while. EASM has long wanted to develop a mentorship programme where experienced members of the community, can pass on their knowledge to younger members of the community and help them in their academic or professional career development. The EASM Mentorship program started in March 2024 with 15 mentor-mentee relationships. The second phase will starts in February 2025. The first phase has 15 mentees from 13 different countries, from both inside and outside of Europe including the USA, South Korea, and Morocco, with a nearly equal split between male and female participants.

This mentorship programme will match mentors and mentees with similar interests and knowledge. Being involved in our mentor programme is a great opportunity for both the mentee and the mentor.

As a mentor, you will be able to help a more junior community member develop their professional skills and help them move forward in their career. In return, you’ll see the development of the young professional(s) first-hand and receive formal recognition for your work.

As a mentee, you will be able to ask questions and discuss ideas with an experienced professional, either from the academic or the practical sport management field.

About the setup

EASM does not get involved in organising meetings. We will provide guidelines and advice, and we encourage monthly meetings of 30 minutes, but there are no formal rules to the relationship. The frequency and duration of meetings are ultimately decided by the mentor and the mentee. It could be a one-off meeting or an ongoing relationship. Application deadline is January 31, 2025.

Mentee criteria:

  • You need to be a student (under or graduate) or be a young professional (max. 3 years after finishing studies)
  • You need to be (become) an EASM member
  • Mentees are asked to engage actively
  • Apply here


Mentor criteria:

  • You need to have at least 3 years of experience either as an academic (post Ph.D.) or professional (any sport industry or vertical)
  • You need to be an EASM member
  • Mentors are asked to engage actively and be prepared to dedicate time to their mentees
  • Mentors are asked to commit to a one-year term as a mentor
  • Apply here


Interested or questions? Please feel free to contact Zohreh: zohreh.abdollahkhani@easm.net.