11 Jan Assistant Professor – University of Innsbruck
Assistant Professor – career track (40 hours / week)
At the Department of Sports Science at the University of Innsbruck seeks applicants for the post of university assistant / university assistant is – (career position) posted at the time being 6 years, starting as soon as possible. A Qualification Agreement for conversion into a permanent position (Assoz.Prof.) can be offered on probation.
Main tasks:
- Sports science research activities at the interface of sport epidemiology and sport economics with special consideration of alpine sports; in particular in connection with sports promotion and the incidence of injuries in sports.
- Research-guided teaching in the field sports science of with a focus on sport economics/sport management incl. preparation and follow-up as well as examination activities; supervision of students incl. supervision of Bachelor’s theses; collaboration in the supervision of doctoral, diploma and Master’s students).
- Close interdisciplinary cooperation in the context of empirical social research (cooperation with all research groups at the Department of Sport Science at the University of Innsbruck)
- Collaboration on organisational and administrative tasks
Required qualification:
- Completed, relevant degree with doctorate (sports science, social and economic sciences or a related field).
- Several years of relevant professional experience after the dissertation / PhD studies (post-doc experience)
- Relevant professional mobility experience during or after the doctorate/PhD studies
- Research experience in the context of quantitative social research in sports, especially sports economics/sports management as well as research experience in the context of epidemiological issues, ideally in alpine sports
- Knowledge especially in the field of quantitative empirical social research; knowledge in the context of systematic reviews and meta-analyses would be desirable
- Knowledge in the field of machine learning would be desirable
- Experience in teaching at university level in the areas of sports economics/sports management as well as organisational and administrativeĀ tasks
- Scientific achievements beyond the dissertation as evidenced by publications in international journals
- Experience in working in the area of third-party funding (acquisition, management)
- Excellent problem-solving ability; teamwork and communication skills
- German language skills (min. B2 level or willingness to acquire this in 3 years)
- Social skills
The application must be accompanied by:
- Cover Letter.
- Curriculum Vitae.
- Presentation of the research achievements and future research objectives including the description of a research project at habilitation level.
- Statement of teaching philosophy and a teaching proposal.
For this position, a collective agreement minimum wage of gross ā¬ 3.946,– / month (14 times a year) is provided. In addition, the university offers many attractive additional benefits.
We look forward to receiving your online application via the career portal of the University of Innsbruck: https://orawww.uibk.ac.at/public/karriereportal.home (cipher: PSY-SPORT-12340); deadline of application: January 31, 2022
For any questions regarding this call, please contact Univ.-Prof. Dr. Peter Federolf, peter.federolf@uibk.ac.at or Univ.-Prof. Dr. Martin Schnitzer, martin.schnitzer@uibk.ac.at.
The Leopold-Franzens-University Innsbruck aims to increase the proportion of women and therefore calls on qualified women to apply.
For international applications, adequate German language skills or the willingness to acquire them are required.