22 May EASM Summer School 2020 Postponed
Summer School Update
During the last week, the 11th Summer School would have originally taken place in Madrid. Although we have continued to remain optimistic that the postponed Summer School could go ahead at a later date, the safety and well-being of our EASM community must always take priority.
EASM and its partners have continued to monitor the situation and navigate its way through this uncertain time. However, due to the unpredictable nature of the coming months, we were compelled to make the tough decision to postpone the EASM Summer School to next year, 12-16 May 2021.
We would like to thank the EASM students and community for its understanding and support during these strange times. We remain hopeful and look forward to the EASM Summer School 2021, in which our student community can reunite once again.
Most importantly, we wish everyone well during this challenging time.