Changes to ESMQ Author Guidelines

Changes to ESMQ Author Guidelines

Dear EASM members,

This week Caron and I have been made aware by a Board Member that the author guidelines for European Sport Management Quarterly on the website have been completely changed. This has occurred without our knowledge. I am trying to identify why this is the case and to get the currently posted incorrect guidelines replaced with the correct ones. Apart from the lack of consultation, this is quite a serious matter as new submitters are currently advised, for example that there is no word limit for papers, whereas we have a strict one of 8,000 words!!! Other errors include the removal of the structured abstract introduced by Holger.

In order to try to minimise misunderstanding, Caron and I have produced the attached brief synopsis of the correct submission policy. I would appreciate it if you would take note of this and pass it on as appropriate to any of your network who have discussed submitting to the journal with you.

I have to say too that Taylor and Francis has also not posted my recent message about COVID 19, that was circulated to EASM members and the Editorial Board, on the journal website. This is despite requests over two weeks ago. All rather disappointing!

Nonetheless, with best wishes for Easter,

Stay safe.
