23 Mar Board Member Posts up for election
Dear EASM Members,
Re: Board Member Posts
We would like to inform all our EASM members that in September 2017, we will have four posts that are up for election at the AGM in Bern, Switzerland. All the information regarding the application process and timeline can be found on the EASM website at www.easm.net.
The four posts consist of: EASM President, Secretary General and also two generic Board Member positions. The role of Treasurer is also up for re-election and it is the intention of the current role holder to go for a further term. As the post of Secretary General is very different in nature, we have produced two separate job descriptions to outline the duties and responsibilities of the positions.
Applications are now open and the closing date is the 31st July, 2017. Please also note that all candidates need to have two nominators (who are current EASM members) from two European countries and their support letters must be attached with the nomination form.
All completed applications (along with an electronic photo of yourself) should be sent via email to the EASM Secretary General at secretariat@easm.net All candidate profiles will then be posted onto our website after July 31st so all members can have prior knowledge of the candidates before voting takes place at the AGM in September, 2017.
Many thanks – EASM Office