30 Apr Alberto Madella Scholarship Winners
It is a pleasure to announce the winners of the 2021 Alberto Madella Scholarship. Since the conference and EASM Student Seminar will not be taking place, in cooperation with our partners we extended the scholarship opportunities for students attending the summer school.
EASM, with the financial support of Sport Management Academy Bayreuth (SMAB) and The Alumni Association Sport Management of the University of Bayreuth and the Alberto Madella Scholarship offered scholarship opportunities.
The winners are:
- Joshua Muños, University of Barcelona, Spain (Ph.D.)
- C. Deep Prakash, Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, India (Ph.D.)
- Olga Yurina, Erasmus Mundus MAiSI, Europe (M.Sc.)
- George Relf, Loughborough University London, UK (M.Sc.)
- Maximillian Braun, German Sport University, Germany (B.A.)
- Bettina Rodenberg, German Sport University, Germany (B.A.)
- Marlos Beqiri, Hague University, The Netherlands (B.A.)
- David Rosales Huergo, German Sport University, Germany (M.A.)
- Makenna Thrasher, California State University Long Beach, USA (M.A.)
- Ruben Schoubben, Thomas More Kempen, Belgium (B.Sc.)
- Sintija Misin, Hanze University of Applied Sciences, the Netherlands (B.A.)
- Leopold Koch, University of Bayreuth, Germany (MBA)
- Aaron Nieder, German Sport University, Germany (B.A.)
- C Deep Prakash
- Leopold Koch
- Marios Beqiri
- Olga Yurina
- Bettina Rodenberg
- Aaron Nieder
- Sintija Misina
- Makenna Thrasher