EU research projects

Developing Sports Managers & Leaders Across Europe

The major outcome of the project will be to develop nationally meaningful and European-wide guidelines and policy recommendations on how to plan, deliver and embed employability frameworks in higher education and other forms of education in order to develop an effective and sustainable sport management workforce to continue to govern and run a sport industry that promotes economic development and health-enhancing physical activity and social welfare across Europe.

Good Governance enhancement through e-Learning for Sport Volunteer Board Members (GReFORM)


The project is financed by an Erasmus+ Collaborative Partnerships research grant (EAC/A03/2016) and will be completed over a period of 36 months, from 1st January 2018 to 31st December 2020.


Main Objective:
The main objective of the “Good Governance enhancement through e-Learning for Sport Volunteer Board Members (GReFORM)” is to increase the capabilities and knowledge of volunteer Board Members in sport organisations by providing online and research-informed education on Good Governance in sport.
The development of an electronic platform will allow board members of sports organisations, especially Volunteers -in their own time- to follow a series of educational modules on Good Governance principles (Integrity, Accountability, Transparency, Democracy, Participation and Inclusivity). By providing up-to-date,
research-informed and quality oriented educational support to Volunteer Board Members, the good governance of sport organisation will be strengthened.


Participating organisations:
1. Cyprus Sport Organisation, Cypress
2. Centre for Entrepreneurial Development, Alliance, and Research (CEDAR), Cypress
3. University of Leuven, Belgium
4. University of Patras, Greece
5. Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania
6. University of Palermo, Italy
7. Lithuanian Union of Sport Federations, Lithuania
8. Italian Handball Federation, Italy
9. European Observatoire of Sport and Employment (EOSE)
10. European Association for Sport Management (EASM)


For more information please visit

National Sports Governance Observer – benchmarking governance in national sports organisations


‘The Sports Governance Observer 2015’ report has identified serious governance deficiencies in international sport. it shows that most international sports federations fail to comply with basic standards for democracy, transparency and accountability. But what is the state of governance in national sports federations? Teaming up with sports bodies and researchers from eight European countries, Play the Game sets out to create a benchmarking tool that assesses the level of good governance in national sports federations.


Main Objective:

  • Enable sports leaders and outside stakeholders to measure, discuss and amend governance standards and practices
  • Establish sustainable networks between academics, practitioners and other key stakeholders
  • Educate and train sports leaders, researchers, and government representatives to understand and sustain good governance standards and practices
  • Provide government officials with knowledge and tools that enable them to engage in dialogue with the sports movement
  • Produce, provide and disseminate national as well as comparative international and national data based on the Sports Governance Observer tool and the Sports Governance Observer 2015 report
  • Initiate public debates on sports governance to a wider public in order to raise the awareness of the topics and challenges related to good governance in sport.


Participating organisations:

1. Danish Institute for Sports Studies/Play the Game, Denmark

2. German Sports University Cologne, Germany

3. KU Leuven, Belgium

4. Molde University College (MUC), Norway

5. University Bucharest, Romania

6. University of Warsaw, Poland

7. Utrecht University, The Netherlands

8. Cyprus Sport Organisation (CSO), Cypress

9. Danish Football Association (DBU), Denmark

10. Enlarged Partial Agreement on Sport (EPAS), Council of Europe

11. European Association for Sports Management (EASM)

12. Flemish Sports Confederation (VSF), Belgium

13. International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education (ICSSPE)

14. Norwegian Football Association (NFF), Norway

15. Polish Golf Union (PGU), Poland

16. Romanian Football Federation (FRF), Romania


Promoting health enhancing physical activity and social welfare through outdoor running events


This project aims to develop a model on how running events can be used as a strategy to promote health-enhancing physical activity and social welfare. The link between running events and physical activity promotion has been proposed in a few local studies. However, it has not been established in cross-cultural settings. This project will capitalize on international popularity of running, its leisure and social dimension and will provide clear directions on how running events can be used as an effective strategy to promote health-enhancing physical activity and social welfare on an EU level.

The project will provide clear evidence-based guidelines and policy recommendations about building management and communication plans for running events, based on quality field research. These plans, since they will incorporate cultural aspects will be applicable in other EU member countries. They can therefore be used as guidelines of good practice. Such a task has been proposed by the European Athletics Federation.

The project will stimulate the development of national and international communication networks among public and private bodies, which are involved in organizing running events, which is in line with Guidelines 3 and 4 of the EU Physical Activity Guidelines Recommended Policy Actions in Support of Health-Enhancing Physical Activity” (2008)”. These international networks will guarantee the dissemination of the results of the study among European parties, who are involved in organizing running events.


Participating organisations:

  1. Aristotelio Panepistimio Thessalonikis – Eidikos Logariasmos Kondilion Erevnas
  2. European Association for Sport Management
  3. European Culture and Sport Organisation
  4. Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
  5. Lietuvos Sporto Universitetas
  6. Stichting Breda University of Applied Sciences
  7. Stichting W.J.H. Mulier Instituut, Centrum voor Sociaal-Wetenschappelijk Sportonderzoek


Contact Person for International and EU funded projects on the EASM Board: Irena Valantine (